Sunday 23 September 2012

My first trip to my new university

A short while after we arrived I thought it would be a good idea to go check out my new university: University of East Anglia.  Most of the buses in Norwich are double-deckers, which was very exciting to Taylor.  So we hopped on the bus and sat on the top level right at the front.  It's about a 30 minute bus ride, which isn't so bad.  

Look at how excited he is!

A picture of the train station from the bus
 The campus is huge! It was built in the 1960's so there are a lot of cement buildings, but it was built on an old golf course, so there is a huge man-made lake, and tons of greenery.  While walking to the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (the museology building) we noticed something amazing about the campus.....there are wild bunnies everywhere!!!!!!!!

I got a tour of the museology building and it is beautiful! There is a sculpture garden out back, a small museum on the ground floor, and a mezzanine where the grad students can work.  The best part is that the majority of the building is glass.  So while sitting and doing some research I get a beautiful view of the greenery of the campus. 

After we headed back to the city centre and did something I never thought would happen...we got Taylor his very own cellphone! And it was all his own idea, finally he has stepped into the modern world.

Look at him use this crazy new technology

The next day we experienced our first day of English weather-rain! Although, it rained for like one hour tops.  It still but a bit of a damper on our day, but we managed to head out to Norwich's covered market.  Which is similar to St. Lawrence Market, but more English since so many stalls were selling either fish and chips or 'bangers'.  I also got to taste my first treacle tart, I didn't even know what it was before I bit into it, but oh my god, it's delicious!! It's kinda like a sticky toffee pudding mixed with a butterscotch bar...good, but very sweet.


Our view while eating lunch at the market
We finished up our day by Taylor being a sneaky bastard and buying me a Maleficent wallet that I had wanted for a while.  It's fantastic!

Aren't we so happy?!

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