Friday 21 September 2012

Exploring Norwich

The day after we arrived I slept for about 13 hours.  Taylor attempted to wake me up with breakfast in bed, but I fell back asleep till 1p.m.  We decided for our first full day in the city to explore it.  Everyone we talked to before we arrived told us the same thing: Norwich is flat.  These people are liars.  The entire city is a bunch of hills.  In order to get into the city centre we have to pass the rail station, cross a bridge and walk up a steep hill and pass the Norwich Castle.  It costs a pound to enter the Norwich Castle and museum an hour before closing that was our first stop.

The museum is pretty awesome.  In case you were not already aware I have a small obsession with taxidermy, and the weirder the animal the better.  Norwich museum has a large section for Natural History (a.k.a taxidermy) and the animals are arranged in a strange manner.. They also have a very small Egyptian section, a viking section an Iceni section and painting section (the latter which I still have to go see).

Norwich Castle

Sara pointed out that the monkey is pooping birds

What is this?!

Two of my obsessions in one case: taxidermy and old school circus objects.                

After the museum we wandered for 4 hours around the town.  It's beautiful! Almost every single building is at least 100 years old, with many of the buildings being at least from the 17th century.  For a history nut like me it's amazing to view this old architecture. 

We have been here for two weeks and we are still amazing by the beauty of this city.  We spent the last two weeks wandering about so the next post will basically be pictures of the city and our adventures as tourists.

Oh! One more thing, many people ( mother and Taylor) worried that my look and mainly my hair and tattoos would get me ostracised or stared at like I was a circus sideshow.  Well, they were wrong! A large portion of the people living here have bright coloured hair, or dress differently.  Honestly, compared to Toronto I get a lot less stares/sideways glances. 

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