Thursday 4 October 2012


Last Thursday we accomplished things! Go us! We headed to the Norwich Council to hand in the form that says I'm a student so you cannot charge me council tax.  That just saved us 100 pounds each month.  We wandered around town and stopped in on this candy shop that has some North American sweets.  I picked up a tiny pack of pull-n-peel licorice.  3 pieces cost me 1pound and 30p (I still have not found out how to use the pound sign on my keyboard, oh well).  I am addicted to licorice and eating this was pure heaven! 

I hit up Primark which I had been told by many people is really cheap clothing, but I didn't realize how cheap.  I picked up a pair of pants, 3 pairs of tights and 2 sweaters for 27 pounds.  It's fantastic.  I then stumbled upon an AMAZING baking store that made me feel very poor.  I want to bake here, but it means I have to rebuild my collection of baking accessories which isn't possible on my poor student budget. 

Last weekend Taylor got quite ill with a weird stomach bug/cold the weekend was spent taking care of him and going a little stir crazy (it didn't help that it also rained for a lot of the weekend).  Monday I had to head to class to work on our group presentation.  Although we worked on the presentation quite a bit, we also just spent a large portion of the time chatting.  No offence to Taylor but it is kinda amazing to have a conversation with other ladies.

Monday also had some exciting news from back home, my mommy booked her flight to come visit me!!!!!! She will be here on the  27th! I'm so freaking excited! I know you read my blog mother so I'm going to show you all over Norwich and London!

Tuesday Taylor was still quite ill so I decided on a whim to go out and grab some ingredients and bake my first ever loaf of bread.  Now, I can bake almost anything (I still have to make my own pie dough-that is my goal this Christmas) but bread has always scared me.  But Sara gave me a great recipe and it was extremely easy.  I was frightened it would come out of the oven tasting awful, but it really is delicious.  I think I'm going to try to make it every other week.

 Last post I said I would post some photos of the apartment so here you go:

Our bedroom.  I think we all know which side I sleep on

My Tudor dolls decorating our windowsill


I lucked out on my bathroom being painted purple

Tv nook
I still have a few more to take, but I keep forgetting....Oh well, it gives you guys an idea of the things I see all day.

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