Friday 9 November 2012

My mom arrives in the UK! Part 1

On Saturday the 27th I took a very long three hour trip to the airport to pick up my mommy!!! We travelled back to Norwich and she finally got the proper tour of my flat and we relaxed for the night (as she had been awake for 25 hours).  For the first 6 days up until Friday we spent our time together in Norwich.  On Sunday we had an amazing day at the Norwich Halloween Pug meet up.  After mom riding her first double decker bus we headed to Eaton park to snuggle and play with pugs dressed in costumes.  We met many friends.  Lola (a pug with a lovely under bite) and her sister Coco were our favourites.  All they wanted to was sit on your lap and snort.  After the Luna incident, this just made the both of us so happy.



Isn't she so freaking cute?!

After the pug adventure we wandered Norwich a bit and went to many stores looking for a square casserole dish.  Since we couldn't find it we gave up and bought a circular one and headed home.  I made my famous mac and cheese that night and we just spend the evening watching wonderful, tack British television. 

The next day we wandered to the Castle museum before joining up with Taylor and wandering around the city a bit before going out for a lovely dinner.  Many of the days of her trip in Norwich are a little blurred since we did SO much! We went out for a lovely dinner at a vegetarian restaurant, visited the Market, got milkshakes, visited my university (but sadly didn't see any bunnies), walked the many old streets of the city.  To top is off mom got to visit the grave of her great-great grandmother (I can't exactly remember how many greats).
Don't we look SO happy.
Mom and I got to participate in our favourite event: afternoon tea.  I took her to Biddy's (the tea place I have mentioned before) and she LOVED it! We got sandwiches, tea, scones and a huge slice of raspberry coconut cake.  Scrumptious.  On her last day here Taylor, mom and myself visited Norwich Cathedral.  Having stepping in it once before but never explored it, I never realized how HUGE it is! We got a guided tour from this sweet older lady who never everything about it! We also went on a ghost walk through Norwich and I found out cute little facts I never knew!

Friday morning we left for London to begin a new adventure.  But I'll write about that in another post.


  1. Love these things. It gave a better appreciation of the trip and I get to see pictures.

    Love Dad

  2. No other creatures are cute with underbites. Those pugs are just adorable. I hope your Mom enjoy's her visit. It is so sweet of your Dad to post a comment :)
