Saturday 8 December 2012


It's been a while since my last post.  School work keeps me busy and I feel too tired at the end of the day to write.  Nothing too exciting happens here but we have had quite a few visitors in November.  Taylor's friend Jordan visited us for three days.  The majority of the time I was in the library doing research but for one of the days Taylor and I showed him around town and took him to the many sights of Norwich.  He also took us out to the Library restaurant (which is in the converted old library).  Taylor got steak, so he was happy and I got a delicious mushroom burger. (Taylor is allergic to mushrooms so I never get to eat them).  After Jordan left to go explore London we had a few days of just the two of us before the lovely Hilary arrived.  She has been living in London for the past year, but we went to high school together and university together (although we only had one class together). She has recently turned vegan so it was nice to be able to bake and cook with someone.  The first day she was here we explored Norwich and headed back to my place to bake vegan banana bread-which was some of the best banana bread I've ever had-and make a delicious lentil stew.  We stayed up till 2 am just talking about many things and having lovely discussions about pretty serious/thoughtful topics....
Getting ready to bake!
The next day we explored more of Norwich, swinging by the vegetarian grocery store where she bought us these DELICIOUS vegan hazelnut truffles.  After it began to get cold and rainy so we headed back to my place for some tea.  We decided to head out to a vegetarian restaurant I have been wanting to try for a while.  It was about a 20 minute walk from my place in a kind of suburban area.  The restaurant is kind of in the middle of nowhere but oh my goodness was the food delicious! We both got burgers (two different kinds) and stuffed our faces.  It was very odd, the waitress looked SO similar to my sister in law, but she was covered in tattoos....On Hilarys last day here we did some more relaxing things, like bake cookies and more banana bread with her to give to her friends back home.  At 7:30 I walked her to the train station and she headed back to London.

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